
Previous Workshops

Christine at the Village Shala, Vermont

December 4-8, 2024

Join Christine for 5 days of Practice in Bristol at the Village Shala

Wednesday-Friday: 8-10am Mysore Class, Breathing, Chanting

Saturday: 8-10:30am Led Primary Class, Breathing, Discussion

Sunday: 8-10:30am Modified Primary /Half intermediate Class, Breathing, Discussion

I am very excited to be in Vermont in December! I will offer 3 days of Mysore class followed by a weekend workshop. Looking forward to reconnecting with the Vermont family and also meeting some new friends. as always, thanks to Anna for hosting!

Full Workshop $175, Drop-in fee $45

Please register in advance with Christine

Pranayama Intensive

November 4-8, 2024

Daily from 7-7:30am

Sessions will be recorded if you cannot attend live.

This class will introduce some basic Pranayama techniques. Pranayama, the 4th limb in Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga system, is a practice of energy management and elongation in the body. Prana refers to the energy that animates, controls, and permeates the world in and around us. It is the active and intelligent force that connects everything. And Pranayama is the exploration of how we can tap into this universal potential. Developing a personal Pranayama practice helps us access this fountain of energy. Instead of fighting nature, we gradually become able to partner with it, and flow more freely in life, experiencing greater health, vitality and clarity. Patanjali says that the regular practice of Pranayama reduces the obstacles that inhibit clear perception. With this practice, the mind is prepared for the process of direction toward a chosen goal. In these 5 morning sessions, we will construct a safe, effective and powerful home practice.

Fee: $65

Guided 4 Day Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse

October 24-27, 2024

Fee: $108

Reset and detox in just 4 days. This fall, we will do a short home cleanse. This process will be relatively simple and will focus on creating/re-creating a healthy daily schedule. We will use a basic and clean diet, teas, an easy herbal regimen, yoga, breathing and some basic self-care to help us press the reset button. The goal is to reignite the digestive fire (agni) and eliminate toxicity (ama) from the body so that we can experience greater vitality. If you have never done a cleanse and are curious, this is the one for you! Included:

  • Intro session and Guidebook

  • 1 recorded Yoga class for cleansing

  • 1 recorded Pranayama class for cleansing

  • 1 recorded Meditation class

  • 4 live morning classes/discussions (recorded for those unable to attend live):

  • Understanding the fall seasonal diet

  • Supporting the immune system

  • Vata balancing breath work

  • Creating healthy daily routine

Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series Adjustment Clinic with Christine Hoar in Montauk

October 25 - 29, 2023, $550

Hone your ability to see, feel, touch and verbalize in your teaching. In this workshop you will begin to learn the principles of hands-on adjusting, of working therapeutically, and of sensing energy movement and blockage in the body. The Primary Series of the Ashtanga Yoga system will serve as the basis for Asana work.

Each day will consist of a combination of theory and practical sessions. We will cover the philosophy and principles behind  adjustments, including the importance of proper alignment, breath awareness, and energetic flow. You will also delve into the art of observation, learning how to read students' bodies and understand their individual needs. By the end of the clinic, you will leave with a deeper understanding of the power of adjustments as a method of teaching. You will gain the confidence and knowledge to effectively assist all levels of students, creating a safe and transformative experience.

All participants should be practicing the full primary series regularly. In the morning, there will be a Mysore practice. In the afternoon, we will focus on the theory and practice of hands-on adjustments for the primary series, including modifications. There will be ample time for questions and personal attention.

This is a unique opportunity to study with me in person. Having nearly 30 years experience of practice and teaching with hands-on adjustments, and having been in the capable hands of my own teachers, I respectfully pass along the knowledge of this lineage.



April 13-16, 2024
Ashtanga Baltimore

Dec 9 2023
Yala Yoga, Hampton Bays

June 3, 2023
Led Primary and Q&A, Kitchen Gallery, New London

May 15-21, 2023
Mysore Week, The Village Shala, Bristol, VT

May 6, 2023
Ashtanga Essentials, Yala Yoga, Hamptons Bay

July 14–15, 2022
Intro to Ashtanga and Mysore Class, Souk Yoga, NYC

May 8–13, 2022
Mysore-Style Classes / The Village Shala, Bristol, VT

Jan 19–20, 2020
Mysore Classes, Bhagavad Gita Talk and Ayurvedic Cooking Class / New Vibe Yoga, NYC

Dec 6–11, 2019
Weekend Workshop & Mysore-Style Classes / The Village Shala, Bristol, VT

Sept 28–29, 2019
Weekend Ashtanga and Ayurveda Intensive, Geneva, Switzerland

June 1–4, 2019
Weekend Workshop and Mysore Classes / New Vibe Yoga, NYC

May 18–22, 2019
Practitioner’s Clinic / MoYoga, Aberdeen, Scotland

May 1–5, 2019
The Art of Adjusting / The Village Shala, Bristol, VT

Nov 30–Dec 2, Dec 3–5, 2018
Ashtanga Yoga Weekend & Morning Mysore Classes / The Village Shala, Bristol, VT

Nov 10–11, 12–14, 2018
Weekend Ashtanga Intensive & Theory / New Vibe Yoga, NYC

Nov 2–4, 2018
Weekend Intensive / Asana Studio, Lemoyne, PA

Oct 25–28, 2018
Second Series Practitioners Clinic with Nancy Gilgoff & Christine Hoar / Montauk, NY

Oct 13–14, 2018
Weekend Workshop / Mindful Turtle, Setauket, NY

Sept 17–22, 2018 
Morning Mysore Classes & 3 Morning Workshops / Meadow Lark Yoga, Edinburgh, Scotland

Sept 15–16, 2018
Weekend Intensive / MoYoga, Aberdeen, Scotland

Dec 1–6, 2017
Ashtanga Intensive and 3 Days of Mysore Classes / The Village Shala, Bristol, VT

Nov 18–19, 2017
Ashtanga Intensive and Yoga Theory / New Vibe Yoga, NYC

April 28-30, 2017
Ashtanga Yoga Intensive / Ashtanga Yoga Calgary, Canada

May 5-7, 2017
Ashtanga Yoga Weekend / The Village Shala, Bristol, VT

May 20–25, 2017
Ashtanga Yoga Intensive / Ashtanga Yoga Santa Fe, NM

Oct 21–25, 2017
Primary Series Adjustment Clinic with Nancy Gilgoff & Christine Hoar, Montauk, NY