
The Philosophy of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of medicine, native to India, and is believed to be the oldest system of medicine known to man. According to literature, Ayurveda evolved from the beginnings of cosmic creation. It has its roots in the Vedic scriptures as a written tradition. Orally, it has existed more than 5000 years. The term Ayurveda comes from the combination of two Sanskrit words: Ayus and Veda. Ayus means life or life principle and refers to all aspects of life. Veda means knowledge or system of knowledge.
So Ayurveda roughly translates to the knowledge of long life. It is the science of health, healing and longevity and is a comprehensive philosophy of living. Core to Ayurvedic philosophy is a spiritual view of human existence and our direct and deep connection to the universe. Human life is viewed as a complex relationship of body, mind and spirit, all of which must be addressed when looking at the health and healing of an individual.
Ayurveda is based upon our relationship with nature. Often, we can find ourselves dissociated from nature. We can rediscover balance when we dialog with the natural world to know how to be, what to eat, when to eat, how to breathe, when to rest, and when to work. Ayurveda asks us to tap into that natural voice as a valuable tool to help us reconnect to ourselves, to cosmic consciousness, and to nature. Pursuant to our relationship with nature, one the first premises of Ayurveda is that everything is energy. The ancient sages, the Rishis, defined energy in terms of the elements: space, air, fire, water and earth.
When these energies are infused with life force (Prana), they become the Doshas, which may be roughly thought of as the three bodily humors: Vata—the energy of movement, Pitta— the energy of transformation, digestion, assimilation and Kapha—the energy of structure, stability, cohesion.
Fundamental to Ayurvedic medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a balance amongst the three Doshas. Each of us is a unique combination of these Doshas. Understanding our basic constitution helps to keep health by maintaining homeostasis with the Doshas by adjusting diet, lifestyle and exercise.
An Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation addresses: Optimizing Diet by Doshic Type, Weight Management, Improving Sleep, Women’s Health, Managing Energy Levels and Stress, Understanding the Season and how to adjust to them, etc.
I look forward to guiding you to better health and a balanced life style. —Christine

Namāmi dhanvantarim ādi dēvaṁ surāḥ surairvandita pāda pādmam |
Lōkairjarāruk bhaya mr̥tyu nāśaṁ dhātāramiśanvividhauṣadhinām ||
We pray to the Lord, who is known as Sudarshana Vasudev Dhanvantri. He holds the Kalasha (pot) of the nectar of mortality.
Lord Dhanvantri removes all fears and diesease. He is the well wisher and the preserver of the three worlds.
Dhanvantri is a form of Lord Vishnu, empowered to heal everyone. We bow down to the Lord of Ayurveda.
Book an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation
$225 for initial consultation (90 min.) in person or via skype, plus a very extensive write-up with herbal and life style suggestions
$150 for all follow-up consultations
Christine is certified by The College of Ayurveda, Kripalu Institute in Lenox, MA
Ayurvedic Cleanse Testimonials
Christine’s extraordinary ability to convey (as if she were right there in person) her unwavering support, encouragement, and wealth of knowledge in a remote format, made this a truly fulfilling journey. With meetings and practice twice daily, she was always available for questions which were helpful for the entire group. The support and comradery of the group was also integral to the experience. It felt like we were in this together. The experience was fascinating, joyful, and full. New habits, perspectives, food preparations, daily practices and knowledge are only the smallest bit of what I gained from this experience. Look forward to the next one! — Martha W.
After the cleanse, I feel calmer and lighter, and can go deeper in my ashtanga practice. I was told I look like I’m sleeping better (I am!). I loved the morning yoga classes. I managed to stop some unhealthy habits, and added many of the breathing, and dietary practices I learned to my daily routine. I still refer to the detailed manual and videos. Christine has an encyclopedic knowledge of yoga and Ayurvedic principles, and I was so impressed how she made herself available to answer all of our individual questions. Thank you! — Deepa R.
Mysore or Led Ashtanga; Cleanses; Ayurvedic Practices/Cooking Classes; Retreats—I have participated in all these types of practices or events with Christine. The common thread I particularly enjoy is her depth of knowledge and ability to share it in such a humble and useful way. I always feel encouraged and energized! — Kimberley M.